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welcome, monster lover!
Since you're reading this you are certainly a fan of classic horror and sci-fi movies.  And even though there are many horror-themed web sites and publications around, you probably feel adrift in today's fan world where the emphasis is on modern blood 'n gore films, Satanic diatribes, apocalyptic extravaganzas and a never-ending flow of mindless zombies and vampires.  Seen one, seen 'em all.  You yearn for the simpler, fun-derful days when Gothic monsters and bogeymen ruled the night.  Well, look no further, fiend! Here at FREAKY MONSTERS, classic ghouls rule!
the standard of ax-ellence
As the editor and publisher of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine for 18 years -- from 1990 through 2008 -- I developed and nurtured a unique haven that kept the days of Ghoulden age Horrorwood alive.  FREAKY MONSTERS will carry on that tradition and continue to delight those fans who appreciate and enjoy the classic chillers and thrillers and especially those new, young fans whose taste buds are just developing.  As a professional photographer for over 35 years, I have a unique love, understanding and respect for the haunting beauty of black and white photographs and especially the marvelous images created during the golden age Hollywood.  For this reason I make sure that the fotos in FREAKY MONSTERS are always the beast in quality.  Each image is carefully digitally restored by hand by authentic Hatian zombies to maximize detail and showcase all the horrific splendor.  We at FREAKY MONSTERS have extensive resources of fotos and material -- much of it extremely rare and some never published -- we'll share with you in issues to come.  No one has more to offer in that arena. 


So take heart, classic monster lover! (As long as the current owner isn't still using it, of course!) -- each and every issue of FM (or FREAKYMON, if you prefer) will be 100% classic horror, sci-fi and fantasy and more importantly, each issue will be 100% FUN.  We also plan to publish new special editions and books on classic monsters and classic TV shows (similar to the "Adam West Remembers Batman" special edition we did in 1996 and the 40th Anniverscary Famous Monsters Photo book we published in 1998).  While other magazines or web sites may touch on the classics of horror and sci-fi, or shine an occasional spotlight on the fiends of yesterfear, the Ghoulden age of Horrorwood is still undead and kickin' in the pages of FREAKY MONSTERS!


I know there are some who think the old monsters passé and no longer relevant in today's market.  We couldn't disagree more.  But regardless, WE love the old ghouls and the old ghouls reign supreme here!


the geek shall inherit the mirth
FREAKY MONSTERS is for you, your kids and your grandkids.  It's for those fans who embrace the fantasy world of classic monsters as a haven from the slings and arrows of the mundane world.  It's for those fans who enjoy a little twisted humor with their horror.  It's for the geeky kids and socially disenfranchised who seek to commune with likeminded souls in pursuit of loftier pastimes.  FREAKY MONSTERS is for those who took their monster toys out the the box and actually played with them.  It's for those who save & treasure their magazines but don't wear white cotton gloves when handling them.  It's for those who who choose their magazines based on content rather than the latest "collectors price guides".  It's for those who appreciate an editorial team that carefully plans out its issues only for its audience and doesn't need to bait readers with variant covers or unfocused content.


After nearly 20 years you know us.  You know what we stand for.  You know what we believe in.  And you know our commitment to quality and innovation.  That standard will not change.  And recalling the old adage that imitation is the highest form of flattery, based on observations that nearly everything we do or write here at FREAKY MONSTERS magazine or on our web site is copied in short order by other "monsters" magazines, you can rest assured that by reading FREAKY MONSTERS, you're reading the leader -- the magazine that even the "competition" looks to for innovation.


So it's high time to move ahead.  Our name may be new but the look, feel, content and "voice" that has been the hallmark of my editorial work for over two decades remains the same.  New name, same ol' me.  "A rose by any other name" as William Shockspeare once said.  What YOU love...what WE love...carries on in a very Freaky new way! We invite you to join the fun and grow young with us.  I encourage you to write me with your thoughts, comments and suggestions.  Send in your artwork and your fotos to be featured in upcoming issues.  Use our chat board to exchange ideas with other Freaky Monsters fans. You are welcome here, monster.  The beast in classic monsters is yet to come and I invite you to be an active participant!

Sinc-eerie-ly yours,

Ray Ferry


Freaky Monsters